Frequently asked questions

FAQ Categories

Find answers to your questions and a high-level program overview below:

IASEAI ‘25 Conference

Do you have a code of conduct for the conference?
What are the start and end times for the IASEAI conference on February 6 and 7?
How can I contact the conference organizers?
Who is attending the IASEAI conference?
How can I or my organization sponsor the conference?
What if I can’t attend the conference in person? Can I attend virtually?
Will content, videos, or outcomes be shared afterward?
When and where will the IASEAI conference take place?

Conference Registration

Are there any places remaining for in-person attendance?
I haven't received any email communications. What's my status?
How quickly is the waitlist being processed? When will I know for certain that I have/haven’t been accepted?
Is there a cost to attend the IASEAI conference?
I’m no longer able to attend IASEAI'25. Can I transfer my registration to a colleague?
I'm no longer able to attend but I registered. What should I do?
How do I register for the IASEAI conference?

Travel & Logistics

Is there space for luggage at the OECD?
Do you have restaurant recommendations for dinner?
For those who requested it, how and when will financial support be provided?
Does the conference provide travel or accommodation assistance?
Is there available parking at the venue?
Will meals be provided?
Is the venue accessible by public transit?

Program & Content

Will there be workshops, panels, or networking opportunities?
What topics will the conference cover?

IASEAI Organization

How is the IASEAI conference different from other AI conferences?
What is the International Association for Safe and Ethical AI (IASEAI)?
Where do you get your funding?
How can I become an IASEAI member?
Why is IASEAI hosting this conference?