An Insider’s Outlook on Global AI Coordination

Session ID
Feb 7, 2025
Track 07

Core areas for AI safety, ethics, and policy coordination globally continue to be a high priority for international coordination. Ahead of the Paris AI Action Summit, we must examine together the ways the technical and policy communities must build on accessible technical and sociotechnical research. The Summit’s three key markers of openness, sustainability, and global inclusion outline foci for this week. Based on my experience leading policy and conducting research at Hugging Face, I will explain the state of openness, considerations for risk-benefit trade-offs beyond system release, and geopolitical tensions and opportunities. This includes Hugging Face model usage and popularity, popular areas for tailored models such as medicine and robotics, and the state of US and Chinese models. I’ll share promising steps for international cooperation, including Track II dialogue but also publishing in similar venues and areas for scientific collaboration. Finally, I’ll highlight the most promising opportunities from the Summit and beyond.
